We reported a couple months ago the teaser that former Congressman Allen West put out regarding starting his won foundation. Now West has officially launched his Allen West Foundation 501c(4) non-profit aimed at educating the public on “policy matters” and coaching those interested in running for public office.
Here is the official release-
Boca Raton, FL – Former United States Congressman and retired Lt. Colonel Allen West today announced the launch of The Allen West Foundation, a Section 501(c)(4) non-profit organization with the mission of educating and inspiring the next generation of conservative leaders within the minority and veteran communities nationwide.
A government truly “of the people” must be fully representative of those it governs. Both minorities and veterans are under-represented in elected office at both the state and federal levels, and the Foundation seeks to educate and motivate members of these groups to increase their civic participation and representation in government.
“From the time I first took an oath to support and defend our Constitution as a young Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, I have committed my life to our nation and its constitutional principles,” said West, “I feel both a duty and an honor to encourage others to follow a similar path.”
The Allen West Foundation will:
Host issue-based forums designed to educate participants on important public policy matters and encourage greater civic engagement.
Conduct educational seminars and provide other resources for those considering becoming more engaged in their communities or running for public office.
Advocate on behalf of minorities and veterans on critical issues facing their communities.