Rubio took issue that the new crop of ‘visitors’ are going back and forth to Cuba up to 18 times a year- This is designed to work this way- they are deliberately allowing certain people to leave, because they know they will come back with that money, because they know they’ll send money back, this is a policy aim for the Castro regime. This not by accident, this is by design.- Sen. Marco Rubio
Rubio then criticized the people who travel to Cuba but then come back to praise the island’s beauty and sympathize with the repressed Cuban people-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Cuba’s not a zoo, where you pay an admission ticket, you go in and you get to watch people living in cages, to see how they are suffering. Cuba’s not a field trip.- Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio says he gets a “kick” out his fellow members of the U.S. Senate who take their yearly trip to Cuba to meet with Fidel Castro and then come back and say that the U.S. needs to find a way “to change policy towards Cuba.” Rubio added that these Senators come back and say that “what we have is a relic of the Cold War.”
Our policy is not the relic, the relic is the Cuban government, that’s the relic. The relic is tyranny, the relic is Communism. – Sen. Marco Rubio
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