Absolutely! I think if we look historically the Hispanic community has been a swing vote, and I think that’s good for our community. It’s never good for a community for one party to take it for granted. – Sen. Ted Cruz
Cruz then explained why he thought Republicans did so poorly with Hispanics in 2012-
[vsw id=”shqqtYy8NFk” source=”youtube” width=”600″ height=”380″ autoplay=”no”]take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I think why Republicans did so poorly in the Hispanic community this last election was not primarily immigration, I think it was two words- 47 percent. And by that I don’t mean that unfortunate comment… What I mean is the narrative of the last election. The 47% percent who are dependent on government- we don’t have to worry about them. I can’t think of an idea that is more antithetical to what we believe as conservatives and Americans than that idea.
“Republicans did a poor job last time around…is making the case to the single mom, making the case to the young African American, the young Hispanic coming out of school looking for his first job that the party of opportunity is a party that allows and encourages small businesses to thrive and encourages economic growth.” – Sen. Ted Cruz