The Libertarian leaning non-profit, non-government supported Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) held a day-long seminar in Fort Lauderdale to continue their “youth-focused free market education” initiative to educate 16-24 year-olds before they are exposed to liberal indoctrination in high school and college.The New York-based FEE, which is currently transitioning to Atlanta, Georgia has been around since 1946 and its ‘free markets and freedom movement’ conducts “a variety of programs, webinars, publications and internships that are designed to teach students about the economic, legal and ethical underpinnings of a free society.”
Interestingly enough, Senator Ted Cruz and former Congressman Ron Paul are both FEE alumni.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
FEE Executive Director Car Oberg said that the organization is focused on youngsters who will be “future leaders interested in, and want to effect change towards liberty and free markets.” Oberg added that the organization talks a pure case for free markets and interacts with the “leaders and newcomers to these ideas” and is targeting private schools and the home schooling community to expand their reach.
One of the weekend seminar’s sponsors was the faith-based organization Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE) , whose primary focus is to help Christians “find significance in their work”-
Society is better when we are all flourishing- we achieve that when we are finding significance in our jobs and our work. We see to help Christians find significance in their work. – Gabrielle Jackson, IFWE
The weekend’s speakers included FEE president Lawrence W. Reed, Mike Yashko, Jonathan Williams and Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley. According to Oberg, FEE will be ramping up their event schedule over the next couple of weeks in anticipation of a very busy summer session with events scheduled in Washington, Florida, Georgia, and other locations to be determined.