Apparently the Venezuela government is picking up where former dictator Hugo Chavez left off- by trampling on the country’s constitution. According to the Venezuelan constitution, the head of the legislature is to become the interim President in the event of the death of the President, not the current vice-president.Senator Marco Rubio was quick to smack down the Venezuelan government’s abuse of power-
“Venezuela’s own constitution specifies that the head of the legislature, not the vice president, should become interim president following the president’s death and that elections for a new president must be called within 30 days. It does not bode well that the first act of this new leadership is to ignore their own constitution. The democratic nations of the Western Hemisphere should condemn this flagrant violation of the constitutional order.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The Obama Administration should immediately condemn this unconstitutional act and urge our democratic partners in the Western Hemisphere to do the same. In protest, we should cancel plans to send an official U.S. delegation to Venezuela. This is the least we can do to call attention to the disdain some Venezuelan officials have demonstrated towards their own constitutional order.”-Senator Rubio