Back then two Republican State Legislators, Sen. Alan Hays and Rep. Larry Metz announced that they would introduce legislation that would prevent Sharia Law, or Islamic Law, “or any foreign legal code, from being applied in state courts.”
The bill passed in the House, but failed to pass in the Senate.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“If your law violates the constitutional rights of a Floridian, it has no business being in a Florida court.” –Florida Senator Alan Hays (R)
Now the same two members of the Florida Legislature, along with fellow Legislators, Sen. Umatilla and Rep. Yahala have introduce SB 58, which “bans courts or other legal authorities from using religious or foreign law as a part of a legal decision or contract relating to family law.”
According to the Tampa Bay Times, the bill was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, as the Legislative session commenced earlier this week in Tallahassee.The bill, SB 58, bans courts or other legal authorities from using religious or foreign law as a part of a legal decision or contract relating to family law. Florida law would supersede foreign law regarding divorce, alimony, the division of marital assets, child support and child custody. The bill is ready to be heard on the House floor but it has more committee stops in the Senate. –Tampa Bay Times
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