U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has just put out a statement regarding the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez that focuses more on the future of the country, than Chavez’s 14-year reign over Venezuela. Rubio states that Chavez’s tenure as President was one of the country’s “darkest periods in its history.”Rubio urges the Obama administration to keep a watchful eye on the developments in Venezuela, and stated that the U.S. should “support Venezuela’s democrats committed to writing new, more hopeful chapters in their country’s long and proud history.”
“The Venezuelan people now have an opportunity to turn the page on one of the darkest periods in its history and embark on a new, albeit difficult, path to restore the rule of law, democratic principles, security and free enterprise system in a nation that deserves so much better than the socialist disaster of the past 14 years. It is my sincere hope that Venezuela’s leaders will seek to rebuild our once strong friendship based on shared democratic and free enterprise principles.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I urge the Administration and the community of democracies in the western hemisphere to keep a watchful eye on the security situation in Venezuela in the coming weeks and months. We must help encourage a leadership transition in accordance with Venezuela’s constitution and avoid a vacuum that is filled by power-hungry and violent forces seeking to maintain the status quo. We should instead support Venezuela’s democrats committed to writing new, more hopeful chapters in their country’s long and proud history.”-Sen. Marco Rubio
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