Utah’s Senator Mike Lee asked Holder if he thought that the Senate Oversight committee had and important oversight roll over the Department of Justice, and if his office would be addressing the bipartisan request made to his office by a group of U.S. Senators for a “legal definition or legal framework for decisions regarding the targeted killing of American citizens using drones.” Lee also asked Holder if he would be releasing any and all memoranda regarding the matter.
Take close notice of Holder’s dismissive gesture upon answering the question. Holder’s response–
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I do. I’ve heard the committee express the desire to see these memoranda,and I will, might be carefully, but I will bringing that to the attention of appropriate people within the administration, I am not unsympathetic to what you are saying.-Attorney General Eric Holder
Lee continued pressing him about releasing the requested memoranda, where Holder responded that he would “will bring that desire and my view to those who are in a position to make those kinds of determinations. I’m only one of those people.”
A concerned Lee then questions the integrity of the Obama administration’s definition of the term ‘imminent threat’ regarding the reasoning for targeting U.S. Citizens, and the “feasibility” of ordering a drone attack order.
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