Florida Governor Rick Scott has endured significant backlash from constituents for accepting the expansion of Medicaid, but he could be on his way to back to winning some support by requesting that President Obama and the U.S. Congress forfeit their salaries until the “sequestration standoff is resolved.”“I don’t believe Congress or the President should continue to get paid while they haven’t solved this problem. We’ve had to balance our budget in our state. We’ve had to watch how we spend money. We’ve had to live within our means. And we didn’t do it with a meat cleaver; we did it with a scalpel. We watched what we could do agency by agency. The federal government needs to do the same thing. They should not be paid while they don’t solve this problem.”-Gov. Rick Scott
Scott has not accepted his $130,000 a year salary since he became governor in January 2011. –Tampa Bay Times
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