(Republicans) Gotta see the Wizard and grow some courage…Republicans suggesting giving our responsibility in Congress to the President, which would mean that nameless, faceless bureaucrats in federal agencies would decide on the spending cuts, as opposed to members of Congress like me, who were elected by constituents to make that decision. – Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
True to form, Wasserman Schultz is once again spreading diversionary and misleading rhetoric- the purpose of which is to get the president off the hook with the American people as the reality of sequestration begins to unfold.
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Let’s quickly restate the record. As Bob Woodward has conclusively confirmed, it was the president who originated and approved the automatic spending cuts within sequestration. President Obama owns sequestration and all of the non-prioritized cuts being made that threaten pubic safety and the general welfare- his closure of federal air traffic control towers and premature release of illegal immigrants is proof positive of that.
But just as important is the fact that it is President Obama, not Congress, that ultimately decides where these automatic cuts will fall- the final authority for these budget cuts does not ultimately reside with unaccountable “nameless, faceless bureaucrats”- it resides with President Barack H. Obama, as the federal agencies and departments that reside within the executive branch and their administrators are directly answerable to him.
Ironically, it is President Obama’s vast expansion of government that has created many of the “nameless, faceless bureaucrats” that the congresswoman is referring to. Wasserman Schultz is simply trying to free the President from any kind of accountability or responsibility relating to the foolishness of sequestration and assign it to- conveniently- “nameless, faceless bureaucrats” who obviously can never be held to account for anything that occurs. Share, Like, Tweet and comment on this story below.