Video: Crossroads GPS hits Obama on Sequestergeddon
Comes now, via Karl Rove’s outfit, a taste of Rule 5 for our Alinskyite-in-Chief.
The ad does a good job of juxtaposing the inanity of the Left’s ERMAGERD talking points with Woodward and Baucus’ confirmation that this was, in fact, Obama’s idea all along. The ad also serves as a reminder that GOP-friendly SuperPACs need to make greater investments in GOTV and grassroots infrastructure, abandon the sort of ad-blitzing-only stratagem that failed in 2012, and forget (this means you, Rove) about kingmaking in Congressional GOP primaries.
Your move, OFA.
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Video: Crossroads GPS hits Obama on Sequestergeddon
The ad does a good job of juxtaposing the inanity of the Left’s ERMAGERD talking points with Woodward and Baucus’ confirmation that this was, in fact, Obama’s idea all along. The ad also serves as a reminder that GOP-friendly SuperPACs need to make greater investments in GOTV and grassroots infrastructure, abandon the sort of ad-blitzing-only stratagem that failed in 2012, and forget (this means you, Rove) about kingmaking in Congressional GOP primaries.
Your move, OFA.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)