By Javier Manjarres
Venezuelan socialist strongman Hugo Chavez has returned to his native Venezuela after convalescing in Cuba for two months from his recent cancer surgery. Chavez’s not-so-triumphant return ends the speculation that he was on his death bed, at least for now, and according to some of his recent tweets, Chavez believes that it’s “onwards to victory forever! We will live and we will conquer!” I guess that statement from Chavez ends the debate as to whether or not the Presidential elections held in Venezuela were conducted fairly- so much for fair elections.“There were some who dream of unseating Chavez and the revolution, but here we always said Chavez is the president elected and re-elected by will of the Venezuelan people.”- Information Minister Ernesto Villegas
Government ministers were so jubilant about Chavez’s return, that they started singing “He’s back, he’s back!” live on state TV. And what did his long-time mentor and socialist partner-in-crime Fidel Castro have to say about Chavez’ lengthy absence?
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Many within Chavez’s regime were elated with his return, chanting “He’s back, he’s back!” on live state run television. Even with his return home, Chavez & Co. have been actively planning a post-Chavez Venezuela that would include installing one of Chavez’ closest and trusted confidants- most likely his hand-picked Vice President- who would continue to drive Chavez’s socialist agenda. How else would Chavez keep his promise that his movement remains “onwards to victory forever?”
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