By Javier Manjarres
Sequestration will enact budget cuts targeted at the U.S. military, and according to U.S. Senator Chuck Shumer (D-NY), who argues that 750,000 jobs will be lost and the economy will shrink by 6 percent, if the sequester is allow to go through. Schumer also brashly stated that Republicans “have no choice” and will eventually cave on the issue and side with the Democrats either before, or shortly after the sequester goes into effect.
Democrats want solutions, Republicans want sequesters. –Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Sticking to her Democratic fear-mongering talking pints, Pelosi said that Republicans are refusing to end “tax subsidies to Big Oil” and make “millionaires, people making over $2 million dollars a year pay their fair share.” It seems as if Pelosi is off by about $1 million, since Democrats have been saying that millionaires making $1 million need to be taxed more. Pelosi added that Republicans would rather “take it out on Public Safety, education for our children, and National Security,” instead of going after millions like herself, and Big Oil.
First, it was the White House. It was Obama and Jack Lew and Rob Nabors who went to the Democratic Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, and said, ‘this is the solution.’ But everyone has their fingerprints on this. – Bob Woodward (FOX News Sunday, February 17, 2013)
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