Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
By Javier Manjarres
Ok, we all saw Senator Marco Rubio take the now famous sip of water during his response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address. Â Rubio even poked fun at himself by tweeting a picture of the bottle of water he drank out of. But now in true Rubio comedic form, Â (he thinks he is a comedian- let him think that, because some of us who know him know better) Rubio answered my email request for a statement on his sip of water from last night.
Here’s the text he just sent moments ag0-
“I don’t always respond to the president but, when I do, I drink water. Stay thirsty my friends.”-Senator Marco Rubio
Will someone please tell Rubio to stop using other people’s material?  But then again, Rubio is “the most interesting man” in politics, so I guess he gets a pass 😉
[vsw id=”JeW62m9pz44″ source=”youtube” width=”585″ height=”376″ autoplay=”no”]
Related-Rubio’s SOTU Response
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