The Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio has caught DNC Chairwwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in a bold-faced deception, reporting that Wasserman Schultz participated in a conference call under false pretenses with fellow Congressman Chris Van Hollen and a woman by the name of Annette Capella, a individual that party officials simply identified as a “Medicare recipient from Florida.”
From the Washington Examiner report-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.In a conference call Monday, Wasserman Schultz enlisted the help of Annette Capella, described by party officials as a “Medicare recipient from Florida,” to warn of the “extreme budget priorities,” they believe Rubio is likely to outline in his televised response to President Obama’s address.
Capella gave a lengthy and unflattering statement about Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida and Tea Party favorite. She admitted he is an attractive politician but one who would make life more difficult for seniors by supporting a plan to alter Medicare by reducing benefits.
It turns out, however, that Capella is hardly your standard Medicare-dependent Floridian. She’s the Democratic Party’s state committeewoman for St. Johns County.The truth was uncovered when the call was opened up to questions. The first query came from a Palm Beach Post reporter, who asked Wasserman Schultz if Capella was the same person listed as the head of the St. Johns Democratic Party.
It was Palm Beach Post reporter George Bennett who asked Capella if she was the very same St. John’s Democratic Party Chairwoman that is listed as being the head of the organization. Capella said that she stepped down from that post and is now the party’s state committeewoman- how convenient.
Wasserman Schultz was likely hoping to get through the press event standing in solidarity with a “Medicare recipient” rather than with a fellow party official- does anyone out there think that Wasserman Schultz was eventually going to identify Capella as a Democrat state committeewoman?
It appears that the DNC has omitted key portions of Capella’s statement from their official transcript of the call that featured both Wasserman Schultz and Van Hollen.
Here is the ending of Capella’s statement (also part of the official transcript) that can also be heard on audio link-
But the DNC didn’t publish the following statements by Capella in their official transcript of the event where she refers to Rubio as a “liar” —We know our country needs to deal with our national debt and the budget deficit- we’re very much aware of budgeting- we’ve done that most of our lives. But we must do so in a balanced manner at the federal level- we cannot do it on the backs of senior citizens as Republicans like Marco Rubio have proposed.
Social Security and Medicare are a sacred trust between the government and the American people. They are our promise- and they are promised to us- to our seniors that we can live our golden years free from the fear of poverty or an illness that causes bankruptcy. It allows us to live with the dignity and respect we have earned after a lifetime of hard work.
Senator Rubio is youthful, attractive, and an engaging speaker. I’ve had the opportunity to hear him, personally. He is a family man and a son of Cuban immigrants. However, he speaks very nicely but I found that his voting record, he lies what he says.
So tomorrow night I will listen closely to what Senator Rubio has to say. As his constituent I sincerely hope he decides that America’s seniors are more important than Tea Party politics or protecting generous tax loopholes for Donald Trump and Big Oil.
How convenient for the DNC to leave out the contentious part of Capella’s remarks assuming that they’d get away with it.
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Related: Wasserman Schultz Tries to Preempt Senator Rubio’s SOTU Response