By Javier Manjarres
The Republican leadership in the Congress has just tapped Senator Marco Rubio to deliver the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address next Monday, February 12. The GOP establishment has finally smartened up in continuing the Rubio media onslaught that we have been witness to over the past couple of weeks, with all the talk about immigration reform. Democrats fear Rubio because his message resonates with all Americans, regardless of their political affiliation.These are the same establishment types that opposed Rubio during his historic 2012 Senate campaign. T
Rubio has quickly become the GOP’s de facto leader, and commands a national audience that very few Republicans in Washington,D.C, if any, have or could every think of having.
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Here is what they are saying about Senator Rubio-
“Marco Rubio is one of our party’s most dynamic and inspiring leaders. He carries our party’s banner of freedom, opportunity and prosperity in a way few others can. His family’s story is a testament to the promise and greatness of America,” said Speaker Boehner. “He’ll deliver a GOP address that speaks from the heart to the hopes and dreams of the middle class; to our party’s commitment to life and liberty; and to the unlimited potential of America when government is limited and effective.”
“Marco Rubio embodies the optimism that lies at the heart of the Republican vision for America. On Tuesday, he will contrast the Republican approach to the challenges we face with President Obama’s vision of an ever-bigger government and the higher taxes that would be needed to pay for it,” said Senator McConnell.“Marco’s own experience as the child of immigrants has always informed his belief in limited government and free enterprise, which is why he has helped lead the fight against out-of-control spending and job-destroying tax hikes that continue to hold our economy back and stifle opportunity for millions. He was a natural choice to deliver the Republicans’ alternative to the administration’s reliance on government and debt.”
Here is what Rubio said about being asked to deliver the verbal smack-down of Obama’s speech-
“I’m honored to have this opportunity to discuss how limited government and free enterprise have helped make my family’s dreams come true in America,” said Senator Rubio. “Limited government and free enterprise are the very foundation of what makes America special and separates us from the world, particularly through our strong middle class. I look forward to laying out the Republican case of how our ideas can help people close the gap between their dreams and the opportunities to realize them.”