By Javier Manjarres

Hezbollah continues to wage global and cowardly attacks against Israel and its citizens, the most recent beign the July 2012 bus bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria, where five Israeli citizens and the Bulgarian bus driver were killed. The European Union (EU) has inexplicably failed to acknowledge that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, even after numerous of findings to support the case have been published by other governments and organizations
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Florida congressmen Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Ted Deutch (D-FL) both commented on the findings by the Bulgarian government that the two terrorists responsible for the attack were in fact associated with Hezbollah.
Bilirakis calls on the European Union (EU) to openly state declare that “the European Union must finally recognize Hezbollah for what it is: a terrorist organization.” Deutch reiterates what Bilirakis says and adds that if the EU continues to turn a blind-eye to the obvious, Hezbollah would “continue its reign of terror in Europe and around the world.”
With Assad’s government on the verge of collapse, will Iran or some country simpathetic to Hezbollah’s mission, step up and pick up where Syria will leave off? Expect the Israeli’s to have to step up their preemptive measures to halt any possible future Hezbollah attacks in other eastern European countries, or elsewhere.Congressman Bilirakis: “The Bulgarian government’s report is yet another example of Hezbollah’s deliberate use of terror across the globe. Contrary to some European opinions, Hezbollah is not merely a political organization and is actively involved in terrorist activities. As I have requested many times, the European Union must finally recognize Hezbollah for what it is: a terrorist organization. I commend the Bulgarian government for their thorough investigation and call on the members of the European Union to examine these findings closely.”
Congressman Deutch: “The results of the Bulgarian government’s investigation into the deadly attack in Burgas confirms what we already knew – Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that is willing to perpetrate attacks on innocent civilians around the globe. I continue to urge our European partners to formally designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Failure to do so only emboldens Hezbollah to continue its reign of terror in Europe and around the world.”
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