By Javier Manjarres
The American Population
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After inserting the new reality of a diverse population, remove the Democrats; writing off most of the Black population; pandering to a smaller population of Hispanics — population he does not understand; demonizing the Tea Party and thus turning off many of the Republicans who were horrified with his continual blunders, meltdowns and incorrect analyses of the past 4 years…….. The following two people emerge from the end of the funnel:
The ideal “Moderate Republicans”, otherwise known as “Old School Republicans” comprise 22 percent of all Republicans. Predominantly male, white, and wealthy, they have liberal views on social issues and “very conservative” views on other issues, particularly economic ones. Our models here go by the names Bunny Dundersfeld and Bently Longworth. These “moderates” cannot seem to come to a conclusion on anything, they are split and confused on every matter whether it is immigration, the deficit, social issues or religion —- church is for Sunday’s, funerals and weddings only.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Several issues they stand completely firm on, however, they do not want their taxes raised, they will “ tolerate” others and they are by no means “racist”. Everyone has an equal chance — some “more equal” than others. A virtual guarantee of LOSER status for the Republican party, this group will be unable to inspire, recruit, or attract new members. But heck, who cares, this smaller group will throw great parties because if there is one thing they ALL agree about ——– agreeing with almost everything the Democrats want……. Well except raising taxes.
This is brought to you by the man who performed this insanely funny and embarrassing clip:[vsw id=”pYFtavDXK7c” source=”youtube” width=”585″ height=”370″ autoplay=”no”]
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