By Javier Manjarres

I am not sure exactly why this is considered an ultimate insult, so we decided to surf the web for other perspectives. Here is what we found-
We also found this--A shoe is a sign of disrespect in the Arab culture. That’s why when you go to someones house, you take your shoes off at the door. Another thing is that you always have your shoes facing down so they don’t point to the heavens. One more thing is you keep your feet down so that they aren’t pointing in any ones face.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.-Anything that connects the foot with the head is considered an insult in the Arab culture.
-That the person who is the target of the shoe is lower than Whale poop
Throwing a shoe at someone is hardly a positive gesture anywhere, but in Arab and Islamic countries, footwear is viewed as ritually unclean: Even mentioning your shoes while insulting someone carries vile significance, the BBC reports. Accidentally displaying an exposed sole is also considered insulting, so yesterday’s loafer-launching aimed at President Bush really was the worst journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi could muster.-Source
[vsw id=”JU1_P7VlWoI” source=”youtube” width=”585″ height=”370″ autoplay=”no”]
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