The Shark Tank story regarding a possible House Ethics violation by some Democratic members of Congress, is starting to raise some eyebrows. These members of the Democratic Caucus in the House of Representatives appeared in a video ad wearing their congressional lapel pins for the House Majority PAC, a PAC setup to elect Democrat members of Congress and candidates.(Read here-Ethics violation?)
The pins are distributed by the U.S. House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms for identification purposes.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
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According to an RNC official, this practice of exploiting congressional lapel pin is considered “inside baseball,” and is a “big deal.”
You’re one of the only people to nail the member pin thing. It’s sort of insider baseball but it’s a big deal. –RNC Official
The National Republican Congressional Committee just put out this video on the heals of the Shark Tank story and video, highlighting freshman Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy’s “Gross” hypocrisy. Murphy is coming off a very close and controversial election night vicotory over former Congressman Allen West.
The NRCC also chimed in with its own statement on the Murphy “It’s Gross” video they just release.It’s unbelievable now that corporations—that foreigners can give unlimited amounts of money to…candidates to help out their cause or against another candidate. It’s gross.” –Patrick Murphy, 7/26/12
“Patrick Murphy’s actions are what’s gross. Murphy has become part of the problem in Washington. He owes the people of Florida an explanation for how this video came about and why he thinks it’s right.” – NRCC Spokesman Daniel Scarpinato
Here is the NRCC video of Murphy using the same House Majority PAC video the Shark Tank used earlier.
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