By Javier Manjarres

Buchanan told the Shark Tank that in Florida, state legislators are mandated by law to do one thing every year- balance the state’s budget.
Buchanan emphasized the importance of creating a “pro-small business agenda,” noting to the fact that 70-80 percent of new jobs are created by the small business sector, and he also believes that the current tax code for small businesses is in need of reform.
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When asked about what specific tax reform policies he would like to see implemented that would create more revenue and see “more money get kicked into the Treasury,” Buchanan stated that a “flat tax makes more sense,” but that he’s also willing to look at other tax reduction options that would help create more jobs.
Buchanan also disclosed that he has repeatedly asking the president to organize a “small business agenda” and a “jobs agenda” with about ten Republicans and Democrats who have experience in creating jobs, but he’s yet to hear back from either the President or his senior staffers on this request.
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