Freshman Congressman Ted Yoho, a large animal veterinarian from Central Florida, has drawn an assignment on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. During a recent sit-down interview with the Shark Tank, Congressman Yoho said he was looking forward to the upcoming hearings on the Benghazi consulate attack that will focus on Secretary of State’s Hillary Clinton’s testimony in hopes of better understanding who knew what and when did they know it.
The American people want the hold to account who is responsible, it is important to hear from Clinton. – Rep. Ted Yoho
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
When asked about President Obama’s ‘hindering’ of national security with his highly questionable and incoherent foreign policy, Yoho said there were four consulates or embassies that have been attacked and as of yet “we didn’t slap anyone’s wrist” in holding the responsible parties accountable for those attacks.
One of the most interesting statements Yoho made during the interview was his position on deploying U.S. Troops overseas, as was done in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yoho was asked if Syria’s President were to fall, what role should the U.S. play in the aftermath of the collapse?
I’d love not to see our young men and women go anywhere in this world unless it was a direct threat to us. Our young men and women should stay here in America, to make America stronger, and if we change our foreign policy, go back to maybe the Reagan philosophy of, ‘if you mess with us we win, you lose, you have a nice day.’ It gives them something to think about-It’s the big stick theory. We can’t keep going around meddling in other country’s foreign affairs. – Rep. Ted Yoho
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