By Javier Manjarres

When asked for her opinion about how Republicans accorded themselves during the run up to the so-called ‘fiscal cliff’, Wasserman Schultz said that she “hoped Republicans would make a decision that they aren’t going to continue the divisive tactics” that she accused Republicans of using in the past.
‘DWS’ was then asked about the extension of the Bush tax cuts for 98% of taxpayers that resulted in the final compromise, but all she could admit was that the deal “gave certainty to the middle class.” For years, the congresswoman and the rest of the Democrat caucus railed against the evil ‘Bush Tax cuts’ for the so-called “rich.” With rates now going up on individuals making $400,000 and families making $450,000 a year, the congresswoman isn’t the least bit concerned about upsetting constituents in the “wealthy congressional district” she boasts about representing-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I represent a wealth congressional district, pretty wealthy congressional distinct. No on has been beating by door down here at home.-Rep. Wasserman Schultz
When asked if about the substantial leverage that Republicans in Congress could make in the upcoming debt ceiling ‘showdown,’ Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz could not resist another opportunity to bash Republicans-
They have a very stubborn, intransigent group of Republican members in the House and in a few in the Senate too, who really seem to not care that their intransigent affects them politically.-Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Of course, Debbie remains completely incapable of comprehending the depths of her own stubbornness and intransigence that undergirds the reckless and extreme agenda that her and President Obama are currently cramming down the throats of Americans.
Wasserman Schultz has continually attacked members of Congress that she feels have ties to the Tea Party movement. With Jim DeMint’s retirement from the Senate, the remaining Senators who are widely considered to be affiliated with the “Tea Party” are Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Tim Scott, Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, and ahh yes, Marco Rubio.
We attempted to reach out to a couple of these Senators for comment, but due to their overwhelming intransigence, comments were hard to come by. 😉
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