By Javier Manjarres

Cruz stated that he would have voted against the fiscal cliff compromise, which would have put him in the company of Senators Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Mike Lee. He also said that it was “in President Obama’s interest to raise taxes” on all Americans and that his policies halt economic growth by “jacking up taxes, the “exploding government spending” and regulations that “stifle job-creation,” cannot be tolerated and supported.
Cruz also took a well-deserved shot at the Republican party, calling them out on their lackluster campaign messaging in last year’s general election. Cruz said that “Republicans got clobbered” and “lost the argument.” Like Rush Limbaugh and other national conservative leaders, Cruz believes that Republicans need to “stand on principle” and make the argument against the reckless agenda that is being disseminated from the Democrat party.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Really lousy deal, if I would have been in the Senate, I would have voted no.”- Senator-elect Ted Cruz
Cruz takes the oath of office today and currently serves as the Vice Chairman of Grassroots Research for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).