With only a couple days before Congressman Allen West’s term in the Congress concludes, West put out a statement that he would not support the Senate-passed ‘fiscal cliff’ legislation, were he afforded the opportunity to vote on it in the House of Representatives. (Update-Allen West voted against the bill)
West statement comes hours after Florida Senator Marco Rubio and seven other Senators voted against the measure in the Senate.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Congressman West called the tax raising compromise coming out of the Senate as “illogical and disrespectful to all hard-working American families.”
Here is Congressman Allen West’s full statement regarding the Senate’s ‘fiscal cliff’ compromise with President Obama-
As I did my 7-mile run along the DC mall this morning I pondered where we are fiscally as a nation. We continue to have unserious band-aid type solutions to a very serious problem. I reviewed the Senate-passed legislation, and as it stands I will not support it if brought to the House floor.Related: Rubio’s ‘Gang of Eight’ Votes Against ‘Fiscal Cliff” LegislationRaising taxes in order to increase federal government spending is illogical, and disrespectful to all hard-working American families. Sure, I support the “doc fix” and AMT solution, but again the DC way is to make a pot of gumbo and believe that it will taste good to enough people. The American people deserve better.
No one’s taxes need increase and this Senate legislation does not promote economic growth, debt/deficit reduction, or spending discipline, which should be our main goals. The House has sent countless pieces of legislation, good policy, to the Senate which sits idly on Harry Reid’s desk. For the Democrat-led Senate to disregard its most basic Constitutional responsibility and then jam a last-hour cobbled-together 100 pages of nonsense to the House of Representatives is offensive. The future of our children and the promise to our next generation suffers due to extreme incompetence. The liberal progressive rhetoric sounds sweet to the ear but we continue to witness failure. The day is coming when principled pragmatic Constitutional Conservatives will be sought after to restore the American Republic, and we will answer the call.
Steadfast and loyal,
Allen B. West
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