By Javier Manjarres

Apparently, Mexican officials do not seem willing to release Hammar, citing that “Mexico has had very stringent gun-control laws in place for many years, and have reinforced their application as a result of the flow of weapons illicitly purchased in the U.S. and then trafficked into Mexico and into the hands of transnational criminal organizations.”-Fox News
Until U.S. Marine Jon Hammar is released, I am calling on all Americans to cancel their vacations to Mexico and not to book any travel there,” Grimm said, calling Hammar’s treatment at the hands of Mexican officials an “absolute disgrace.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Hammar honorably served our country as a U.S. Marine, and we should be doing all we can to bring this innocent hero home…Marines always follow one rule: Never leave a man behind. As a fellow Marine, I will not leave Jon Hammar behind in Mexico, even if it means I have to go there myself to get him and bring him home” –Rep. Grimm
Please share the post below. Thanks.‘I agree Hammar’s treatment is an “absolute disgrace and it is unconscionable that Jay Carney knew nothing about this. There is no excuse for this and the picture of an American, a Marine, chained to a cot is despicable.
In some ways, Lance Corporal Hammar is another victim of the botched “Fast and Furious” program. Mexico has stringent gun control laws in part because of weapons illicitly purchased in the US and trafficked back into Mexico.
I pray that, just as with Benghazi, the new normal for Time magazine’s Man of the Year is not to abandon this Marine, as his Administration did two Navy SEALs. These actions only serve to erode the trust and confidence in the Commander-in-Chief from our men and women in uniform – and all Americans, for that matter.
Support the travel boycott to Mexico, and call the White House to let this Administration know we do not tolerate abandoning LC Hammar.”-Rep. Allen West