By Javier Manjarres

Fox News reported that “the review board found the security staffing at the Benghazi consulate was “short-term, transitory” and relatively inexperienced”–and ultimately “inadequate.”
The report also found that the “Special Mission” in Benghazi was not considered a “high priority” for Washington, especially in relation to the personnel on the ground. – Fox News
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Florida Congressman Thomas Rooney (R) is not mincing words in response to this report, expressing his disgust over the apparent cover up by the Obama administration and State Department in, citing Obama’s clear evasion of any responsibility for the attack-
Rooney voiced his disapproval of how ill-prepared Obama and his State Department are in protecting U.S. assets abroad, emphasizing that “this failure of leadership is unacceptable”-“We supported the rebels without taking into account their individual values or motives, and without understanding their ability or plan to govern. We helped these individuals topple a dictator, but then stood on the sidelines as radical extremists assumed power…The murderers who killed our citizens and the thugs who stormed our embassies may claim their motivation was in response to a movie, or because that day marked the anniversary of 9/11, but the reality is that they attacked us not because of a particular incident, but because they have a pervasive and consistent hatred of who we are as Americans and what we stand for,” Rooney said. “Projecting weakness will not make us safer or discourage attacks against us. We need to show leadership and strength by demonstrating that we will not tolerate violent acts against our people, and we will not leave our citizens or our interests vulnerable to an attack.”-Politico
“This report makes clear that the State Department ignored warnings and security concerns from the intelligence community, leading to a preventable attack that cost four American lives. This failure of leadership is unacceptable.
“Our investigation into the terrorist attack in Benghazi isn’t about finger pointing; this is about figuring out what went wrong so we can prevent future attacks. We need stronger leadership at the State Department, we need the Administration to heed warnings from the intelligence community, and we need significantly better security at our diplomatic posts around the world.”-Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL)