By Javier Manjarres
The senseless massacre in Newtown, CT which killed 26, including 20 children and 6 adults, prompted President Obama and scores of other national politicos to express their condolences to the families of the victims in the shooting.“There are no words to express the unimaginable sorrow our nation feels today for the families of those who lost their children and loved ones. It is only through faith and prayer that we can ever make sense of the senseless, and I pray these parents and families will eventually find comfort knowing their children will have the eternal love of God’s embrace. As a nation we grieve for the loss of so many lives, and the loss of so much innocence. May God bless those souls who have come home to Him, and comfort those who feel their loss.”-Allen West
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“My heart breaks for the victims and families impacted by the senseless act of violence today in Newtown, Connecticut. In a world that can at times be defined by its darkness, children are a reminder of what is good, cheerful and beautiful about life. An act of violence against these defenseless young people, as well as the faculty and staff who dedicate themselves daily to educating and caring for them, is a deed of unconscionable evil. I pray that God holds Newtown close tonight as all of her residents come to terms with this tragedy.”- Marco Rubio
“If there were ever a day to hug your child a little longer, a little closer, today is the day. It is with a heavy heart that Karen and I extend our thoughts and prayers to the victims and family members of those affected by the senseless tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. May God bless the students, teachers, and emergency responders who are suffering unthinkable pain delivered at a place meant to be a sanctuary of safety and learning. The loss of life and innocence is devastating, and I pray for healing for the entire Newtown community and our country.”-Rick Santorum
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