by Javier Manjarres
Florida’s Governor Rick Scott has been one loudest critics of President Obama’s ‘Obamacare’ healthcare law, and has vowed to do everything in his power to prevent the ominous job-killing law from being implemented in the state of Florida.But while his pushback on Obamacare has garnered significant Republican and Independent voter support, Democrats have labeled him and others opposed to the law as “extremists” who are out of touch with mainstream America.
Now that President Obama has won re-election, Governor Scott has opened up dialogue with the Obama Administration on a possible compromise on the healthcare law, leaving conservative groups and activists extremely disappointed in Scott’s possible change in position on Obamacare. Scott sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking her for a meeting to discuss what, if anything can be done collaboratively to reduce healthcare costs for Floridians.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.In a statement, AFP said that Scott’s recent signal that he was willing to consider implementing key provisions of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was a step in the wrong direction. –Huffington Post.
We caught up with Governor Scott in Boca Raton where he was visiting the ADP security company and praising them for their company’s expansion and creation of 120 plus jobs. We asked the Governor if he had changed his position on Obamacare, which he answered:
I sent a letter to Secretary Sebelius, ‘NO’ is not an answer on looking at these things. I got to figure out how we reduce healthcare costs. I want to figure out, how we can reduce healthcare costs, how we can improve outcome, how we can Improve access. So, I want to see, ‘if’ I can work with the federal government to make those things happen. –Governor Rick Scott
Scott, who knows a thing or two about healthcare, might be playing the right card by openly asking for dialogue to discuss the Obamcare law with the Obama Administration. This move puts the olive branch squarely on Obama’s lap, and leaves it up to Obama and his people to try to work with Scott. Chances are that Obama will not budge, and his unsustainable healthcare law will make Scott’s initial position of opposing it at all costs, that much easier proposition to swallow.
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Related: Rick Scott Pumps Political Iron
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