by Javier Manjarres
The Shark Tank will be periodically featuring the profiles of up-and-coming conservative political professionals who we think will be making a difference for the better on the political scene in one capacity or another. These supremely talented individuals will be on there on the front lines affecting real change and winning hearts and minds over to the conservative cause- the bar is set high for them, but we’re confident they’ll fulfill our every expectation.So, without further adieu, the first installment of “Who to watch in Florida?” profiles two young conservative ladies- Mary Anna Mancuso and Kat Cammack.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Kat Cammack grew up in a small town south of Denver called Castle Rock on a ranch with chickens, horses and cows. A product of a poor broken working class family, Kat and her sister were raised by her mother. In 2011, Kat’s family lost their ranch due to a small unknown technicality in Obama’s mortgage re-modification program. Who would of thought that one of Obama’s programs would costs someone so much?(Sarc)
Kat joined congressional candidate Ted Yoho’s campaign as campaign manager, was is credited for having a hand in the commercial that many believed tipped the balance of the Republican congressional primary against longtime moderate Republican Congressman, Cliff Stearns. Stearns went on to lose to Yoho, making him the Republican nominee, and eventual congressman-elect in his respective Congressional district in Florida.
With a election night victory notched on her political belt, Cammack will be taking on the role of Chief of Staff for Congressman-elect Ted Yoho.Our entire premise has and will be that we are doing this for a cause – not a job. 2012 was a very personal election for me because I knew firsthand what an Obama administration felt like from losing our ranch. As our family business continues to decline and we are looking to sell, I recognize the it may be too late to save our business. But I can hopefully help get some great candidates elected, pass some positive legislation and help get our country back on track so that others won’t have to go through what I did.- Kat Cammack
Mary Anna Mancuso comes from a strict Italian-American middle class upbringing from rural Virginia. Mary Anna knew that she wanted to be involved politics from an early age, even though her beloved dad wasn’t keen on the idea of his daughter getting into politics. Mary Anna has six siblings, and shares a very close bond both her oldest and youngest brothers.
Growing up a staunch conservative Republican, upon receiving her B.A. and M.A. in Political Science from some respective schools in the New York City area, Mary Anna worked her way up from a communications intern at the United Nations Association of the United States of American (UNA-USA), a booking agent at Fox News, worked as the Deputy Communications Director for the Republican party of Virginia, and most recently, held that very same position for the Connie Mack for U.S. Senate campaign in Florida.
Mancuso has bounced around politics and media, from D.C. to Hawaii, to NYC. Mary Anna is happy to now call Florida her permanent home, and is looking to broaden her career in the Sunshine State.
While Mack’s campaign left voters feeling a lot to be desired, Mancuso was one of the bright spots in the campaign, who as we wrote in an earlier post, brought back the fledgling Senatorial campaign back from social media obscurity, even if it was only for a short celebrated period of time. Mancuso manned ‘Norad’ the name the campaign gave the social media/media corner of the office better known as her desk.
It goes without saying that her talents were under-utilized, and the #mackmentum Mancuso brought to the campaign could, and should have been cultivated differently to give them a better chance of success.
mancuso482@gmail.comNo pressure at all, ladies, it’s only the future of the country that’s in your good hands 😉 .