by Javier Manjarres
Here we go again- the Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate has decided that it will be getting involved in Republican primary races in order to try to field the ‘right’ candidates they feel are the most “electable” and likely to win their respective races-Let’s refresh your memories about the history between the Republican National Senatorial Committee (RNSC) and Marco Rubio for a minute. Back in 2010, two of the GOP’s most influential Senators, Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn openly endorsed then Florida Governor Charlie Crist in the Republican senate primary over Marco Rubio because they believed Crist was “the better and more electable” of the two candidates.Senate Republican leaders, frustrated by losing winnable seats, are preparing to play a more assertive role in primary races, in consultation with the Tea Party and other conservative activists.
The strategy reflects a change from the 2012 election in which they took a relatively hands-off approach to party primaries, according to The Wall Street Journal.-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Now, Senate leadership is likely to back a favored candidate in certain cases, as it had done in 2010 and before, bringing activists into the conversation earlier about potential nominees.
The Tea Party has been a confounding force and a source of energy for the Republican Party, It has lifted some to the party’s stars into power, among them Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. But it has also helped nominate candidates who weren’t strong enough to survive the general election.- Fox News
Little did the realize they were getting behind a complete charlatan of a candidate who wound up endorsing Barack Obama for President in 2012 and is now looking to make a run for Governor as a Democrat, when they could have been getting behind a candidate who most likely represents the future of the Republican party, but I digress.
The evening before the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) openly endorsed Crist, Rubio placed a 11pm phone call to yours truly, saying that Cornyn & Co. had told him in a private meeting earlier that day that the NRSC would be making an endorsement in the race immediately after Crist officially announced his Senate bid.
For weeks, the NRSC failed to even list Rubio as a Republican candidate on its website- the NRSC only featured Crist and his likely Democrat opponent, then Congressman Kendrick Meek.
In the subsequent months, I had an ongoing conversation with Senator Cornyn as to why the RNSC decided to back Crist instead of Rubio. Cornyn stood his ground until Rubio began to surge in the polls- after Rubio began his surge, Cornyn began to change his rhetoric about the race, and when Rubio finally caught up to Crist in the polls, Cornyn stated, “we have two good candidates” and that we would have to see how things unfolded.
Only until Crist jumped from the GOP ship did Cornyn and other establishment Republicans begin chiding Crist and start supporting Rubio.And we all know what happened in November 2010- conservative Republicans swept the country and Republicans were swept back into the majority in Congress. Looking back , it barely seems believable that we were unable to maintain that momentum that many thought would yield more victories and ultimately take back the White House in 2012.
Perhaps the RNSC has learned its lesson from its shortsightedness in 2010, but unlike then, conservatives and by extension the country are now really up against the ropes- there simply is no margin for error. With Democrats in firm control of the Senate, Obama could nominate whatever leftwing jurists he chooses should a vacancy open up on the Supreme Court in the next two years.
We can no longer accept unprincipled Republican candidates who fail to provide a clear as day contrast from Democrats and their ruinous agenda. The way forward is for Republicans to run senatorial candidates in the vein of Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jim DeMint, and Marco Rubio- anything less is simply roadkill in the age of the most hyper-partisan progressive President who’s pushing the most destructive agenda in the history of the Republic.
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