by Javier Manjarres
Senator Marco Rubio has been called many things including the “future of the Republican Party,” the “Future POTUS,” a “gifted orator,” and now we can call him just plan ol’ Cupid.In his latest “Constituent Casework Corner” Rubio helped facilitate the visa of a Florida member of the armed forces named ‘Charles’ who is being “deployed overseas” and wanted to get married to his fiance prior to his deployment date- Charles’ fiance inconveniently lives in Germany.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service office was contacted, and the petition for the fiance’s visa was granted. This comes to show you how the true power of love plays out with U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. Awww.
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Constituent Casework Corner
Each week, Rubio’s staff also assists Floridians with a wide range of federal issues, both in our state offices and on the road through our staff-run “Mobile Office Hours.”This week, Rubio’s staff assisted Charles, a resident of Central Florida and a member of the armed services who was scheduled to deploy overseas. Charles contacted Rubio’s office because his fiancé resides in Germany, and he wants her to come to the U.S. so they could get married before he deploys. A member of Rubio’s staff reached out to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office which accepted the request to expedite Charles’ petition for his fiancé’s visa. The office approved Charles’ petition and forwarded it to the consulate, where they issued his fiancé’s visa prior to his deployment. – Rubio Senate Office
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