by Javier Manjarres
During an interview with the Washington Ideas Forum hosted by Major Garrett, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio stated that he would not automatically oppose the nomination of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, breaking with Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain who have already stated their opposition to her possible nomination to be Secretary of State.Rubio said that if Rice were nominated she would go through the typical vetting process, and that those who would be doing the vetting should not enter the nomination process already predisposed to opposing her.
I think Benghazi will come up. What’s very clear is that the Sunday after that incident in Benghazi, she went on I think five shows and said this attack was not terrorist related. Now, that question is going to come up, whether that was her judgment, or the judgment of people she was repeating. I think that is also going to flush its way out in hearings as early as today…I think we need to know the truth, and if we’re going to have a fair process to evaluate someone, you can’t go in having already made up your mind.” – Senator Marco Rubio
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
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