NBC Latino’s Raul Reyes race-baiting divisiveness has hit a new low with his pathetic attempt to marginalize U.S. Senator Marco Rubio’s appeal to Hispanics as well as Americans at large- check out his deplorable post-election analysis that has no other purpose other than to undermine Rubio’s outreach to and credibility with Latinos-
It’s going to take more than a brown face to make the GOP attractive to Hispanics; the party needs to recalibrate its positions on issues that resonate with Latinos.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
A misleading and pathetic statement by any standard. To ridicule Rubio as just another “brown face” Republican who’s out of touch with what “real” Hispanic believe is racial demagoguery of the worst kind. It’s actually Reyes himself who is the personification of the ignorance- he’s the one who not only out of touch with the real concerns of Hispanics, he doesn’t have a clue about what the clear majority of the Republicans believe about the importance of legal immigration as well as why it’s essential for us to control our country’s borders.
Unfortunately, many of the Hispanics who voted for Obama are presently more receptive to the view that the primary role of government is as a provider of wealth rather than as protector of the citizenry. Not enough Hispanics appear cognizant of the fact that we’re going bankrupt and they’re hoping that the government will provide them with protection from our looming fiscal threats and the uncertain economic future of the country. Reyes’ commentary continued-
Rubio is ill suited to serve as a bridge between the GOP and Latinos. As a Senate candidate, he wrote an Op-Ed against the historic nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Although his grandfather was undocumented, Rubio is against “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants. He opposed the DREAM Act because he said it was “too broad.” He once floated a proposal for a modified version of the DREAM Act, but the idea died after the Obama administration announced its deferred action program. So besides his heritage, Rubio has few selling points to Hispanics. (NBC Latino)
Reyes makes no attempt to disguise his misguided liberal bias- amnesty for illegal immigrants is not the only issue that Hispanics adhere to when casting their ballots- we’ve learned that like any other group, there are numerous considerations that factor into their voting, and we’ve also learned that their commitment to supporting Democrats in the future is not set in stone.
Rubio is being singled out for criticism by individuals such as Reyes because they know he represents a real threat to the continued march of the Democrats’ radical agenda. Reyes knows that Rubio is someone who can credibly counter message Democrats and bring many millions of Latinos back into the Republican fold, which is why Rubio will remain as “public enemigo numero uno” to the Democrat party as the buzz continues to grow about his possible run for the presidency in 2016.
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