by Javier Manjarres

Now that the candidate that Crist endorsed for president is getting set for his second term of private sector destruction, Crist is now stepping up his meritless attacks against Scott by accusing him of “voter suppression” for not extending early voting in Florida.
While Crist would be welcomed by some Democrats, many Democrat politicos are still on the fence about his potential candidacy and would much rather have one of their own run against Scott, who already has a big bulls-eye around his re-election efforts.
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And of course, Crist will be relying on his stalwart Republican allies in Florida politics who will undoubtedly back his campaign-
At it current stands, Governor Scott is still struggling with low approval numbers, and given the shellacking that Republicans across the state just took, the road to re-election may be a lot more difficult for the governor than anyone expected.Crist is already pressing the Democrat flesh around the state, most recently at luncheon hosted by the Poynter Institute where he was joined by his 2010 Senatorial race Political director Michelle Todd, moderately Republican State Senator Jack Latvala, his longtime friend and surrogate Greg Truax, as well some of Pinellas County’s most irresponsible political hacks who still remain true believers of him.-Shark Tank
The governor relies on the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) to carry out most of the GOTV operations for statewide Republican candidates. But given how poorly state and local Republican organizations failed to increase Republican voter rolls and turn out existing Republican voters, Scott’s re-election bid is already in serious jeopardy- something must be done to overhaul the party’s GOTV operations and substantially improve the party’s ground game and direct contact with voters.
Another concern that needs to be addressed is the known fact that there are RPOF staffers in collusion with clownish anti-Rick Scott blogger(s) who have very close ties to Crist, and could still have some allegiance to the once popular governor of Florida.
Several Republican county chairmen have already announced that they would not be seeking re-election to their posts, and a couple of whom mentioned that they were ‘sick’ of the status quo from the state party and strongly criticized the state party for doing little to help Republican candidates win elections in 2012.
To the RPOF’s credit, they did send some mailers against Democrat Senator-elect Maria Sachs as well as TV commercials against her and a few other Democrats candidates around the state- but that was about it.
Something’s got to give in Tallahassee. If Governor Scott is going to have any chance of beating the Democrat grassroots juggernaut, the RPOF has to get serious about overhauling its GOTV and greatly expanding its turnout operations- we’ve got to make Democrats play defense in the communities that they traditionally run the table with. Scott is one of the few firewalls that Republicans have against the destructive consequences of ObamaCare in the state- the party had better start getting its act together now if we want to continue losing close statewide election to a party that runs fantastic campaigns but has no clue how to actually govern- just ask President Obama.Related: Latvala’s Senate President Bid
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