Senator Marco Rubio opens up a possible Presidential candidacy with a post-election release that positions himself as the Republican frontrunner for President in 2016. In his own subtle way, Rubio comes out of the gate and directly challenges the disenfranchised hispanic vote by stating, “I am committed to working on upward mobility policies that will ensure people who work hard and play by the rules can rise above the circumstances of their birth and leave their children better off.”
A statement directly targets the controversial ‘Dream Act’ debate, which will sure to come up for discussion and consideration now that Obama has been re-elected. Rubio’s message resonates with all Americans, and his overall appeal to the key voting demographics (Hispanics, Women) is unquestionable.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Many have said that the junior Senator from Miami has what it takes to be President, but that it was too early for him to run in 2012. Those same politicos say that a 2016 run for President would be more realistic and achievable for Rubio, once he was able to put four more years of Senatorial experience under his belt.
Expect Rubio to frequently challenge the President and his failed policies, and push for a realistic and comprehensive immigration policy, as well as move away from the failed Republican talking points and strategies that have proven to be failing propositions. Rubio broke the mold as a Senator, expect him to take the reigns from the  establishment Republican as he will be the face of the National Republican party.
Here is Senator Rubio’s release-
  “It has been a privilege campaigning for Mitt Romney, getting to know him and traveling throughout the country on his behalf. When future generations look back on this election, I am proud they will count me among those who chose a path of limited government and free enterprise at a critical crossroads in our history. I am proud to have cast my vote for Mitt Romney.
“Now comes the hard part. America faces monumental challenges in putting people back to work, reducing our crushing debt and advancing our interests around the world.
“In the next Congress, I am committed to working on upward mobility policies that will ensure people who work hard and play by the rules can rise above the circumstances of their birth and leave their children better off. The conservative movement should have particular appeal to people in minority and immigrant communities who are trying to make it, and Republicans need to work harder than ever to communicate our beliefs to them. I look forward to working on these goals with my new and returning colleagues in Congress and hope the President will get behind our efforts.”-Senator Marco Rubio