by Javier Manjarres

The GOP’s complete inability to message and identify with hispanics was a disaster waiting to happen- Obama trounced Romney among non-Cuban hispanics in Florida by a 2-1 margin. Obama also won the woman over, as the GOP again failed to effectively counter the President’s completely fabricated ‘War on Women.’
In Florida, the Republican establishment at both the state and local levels, failed the Republican faithful when it mattered most, as they continued to stay out of important congressional races and were also ineffective in voter registration and galvanizing Republican turnout. Broward County turned out to be one of the biggest losing counties, as the Broward Republican Executive Committee’s (BREC) embattled Chairman Richard DeNapoli, failed to turnout Republicans, also costing them an important countywide Sheriff’s race.
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All Republicans running within Broward County lost their races due to lack of Republican excitement and turnout except for State Representative George Moraitis who won his race.
What does that say about the party? For starters, heads at every level of the GOP should roll if there is any desire to see “real change” in the Republican party take effect.
So what’s now left for the GOP? If establishment Republicans continue back ‘soft’ Republican candidates, they will continue to lose elections, and the Democrats will eventually take back the House of Representatives and future presidential elections- all of which will continue our national decline.Another stunner from last night is that the GOP lost one of its few real leaders, Congressman Allen West to a complete political lightweight who ran a fluff campaign directed by his father. Embarrassing, to say the least.
The political line in sand within the Republican party has been drawn. Will the Trey Radels, and Marco Rubios of the party be able to wrestle back control away from the less-than-principled establishment Republicans? Is the GOP irretrievably lost and the future of freedom in this country a dead proposition? It’s time to pick up what’s left right now and get to work.
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