by Lone Shark
Alec Abruzzo, the self-identified “half brother” of Democrat State Representative Joe Abruzzo took the initiative to trash his brother’s candidacy for State Senate directly on his Republican opponent Melanie Peterson’s Campaign for State Senate Facebook page.Peterson and Abruzzo are locked in a highly contested race for State Senate in District 25 which comprises most of Palm Beach County from Belle Glade to Boca Raton.
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Here’s the screen capture of Alec Abruzzo’s slight of his brother as posted on Peterson’s Facebook wall-
Not exactly the kind of ringing endorsement you’d expect from a family member of a political candidate. Is there a rift in Abruzzo’s family, or does Alec know certain things about his half brother that would dissuade the public from supporting him?
As best we can tell, Alec Abruzzo’s Twitter handle hasn’t reiterated his support for Peterson, but we’re following up with Alec to learn what’s behind the animus between him and his half-brother. Stay tuned…