by Javier Manjarres
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio took his opportunity in the post debate “spin room” to issue a much stronger criticism of President Obama’s foreign policy than Governor Mitt Romney did during the actual debate that transpired in Boca Raton, Florida.When Rubio was asked if Romney would win Florida in next month’s general election, Rubio measured his words and indicated that he felt “very optimistic about the direction about the direction of the campaign here in Florida.”
Rubio added that the President looked “small and petty” for “pivoting” on the issue of foreign policy and launching into personal attacks against Governor Romney-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.He (Romney) talked about big issues in a big way, he talked about big challenges with big ideas, and the President responded to the same questions with what appeared as prepared counter punches, designed to deliver personal blows more than they were to seriously discuss serious public policy.- Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio’s potential senatorial colleague Congressman Connie Mack, running for the U.S. Senate against Democrat Bill Nelson, also railed against Obama’s foreign policy and is stepping up his criticism of the administration’s actions regarding the consulate attack in Benghazi-
The President now has had two opportunities to tell the American people what happened in Benghazi, instead he continues to try to change the story, change the subject and not talk about it. He’s the Commander-in-Chief, he’s the President of the United States, we’ve seen him do this with Fast and Furious, we’ve seen him do this over and over again with this administration not willing to look the American people in the eye and tell them the truth about what is happening. – Congressman Connie Mack
Mack also added that he would “absolutely” support U.S. Military action against Iran or any other country were they to attack Israel.
Mack Tells UN Monitors to Oversee ‘Banana Republics’
Congresswoman Likens Benghazi Attack to Watergate Scandal
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