by Javier Manjarres

Ros-Lehtinen, who chairs the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, stated that it was she who authored the Iran sanctions bill and that President Obama had “little to no input in the Iran sanctions bill.” She also said that the “administration has continued spinning this false tale” that the attack in Benghazi was precipitated by a YouTube video and has not been upfront with the members of Congress or the American people regarding the incident.
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen also divulged the fact that Obama administration officials have recently cancelled a fact-finding meeting with members, and referred to the Benghazi attack cover up as another Watergate scandal, except that in Watergate nobody was killed.
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Ros-Lehtinen echoed what Congressman Connie Mack said earlier in an interview with the Shark Tank-
They don’t want to give us the information, and even when they do, they always insist on having it be a classified briefing, they don’t want to come out and be open and answer these questions. They are hiding, its’ a real stonewall, you can say Watergate was a stonewall, but nobody died in Watergate. – Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen
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