Congressman Allen West was the keynote speaker at the Indian River County Tea Party rally in Vero Beach, Florida, an event where several thousand Republican and Tea Party attendees waited patiently to hear the popular congressman from South Florida speak about American exceptionalism as well as to rail against President Obama’s failed policies.
Never short of zingers, Allen West slammed his Democrat congressional opponent by equating him to former Republican turned Independent and soon to be Democrat Charlie Crist. West called his opponent, Patrick Murphy as “ill-prepared to be a member of Congress, and stated that Murphy equated ordinary Americans, to “extremists,” just as Hillary Clinton described the Islamist terrorists that carried out the Benghazi consulate attacks that killed four Americans.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Last night I had a little debate with my opponent. You know what was the most disturbing thing, other than from the fact that we already have one Charlie Crist in this state, we don’t need another Charlie Crist.- Congressman Allen West
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Here is the other clip of the speech where Allen West destroys Obama on foreign policy.
We are going to send the Angel of Death disquised as the great american eagle and we are going to ruin their lives- Congressman Allen West
[vsw id=”M0wC7HA8aY4″ source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”376″ autoplay=”no”]
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