By Javier Manjarres

When you visit the Nelson for Senate website’s ‘About Bill’ section, you will find a ‘Hey Bill’ section which consists of “funny” questions and answers about Senator Bill Nelson.
There are a total of 15 question asked and answered by Senator Nelson. The questions include “What is your favorite snack? What is you favorite Beatles song? and what his first job was. Nelson states that his first job was that of a cattle rancher where he paid his way through college selling his livestock.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
But Nelson saved the best question for last. The fifteenth and final question he answers is “What is your proudest legislative accomplishment?”
Nelson’s answer-“Keeping oil rigs away from Florida’s beaches and environmental treasures and out of the U.S. military testing ranges in the Gulf of Mexico.”
We here at the Shark Tank thought Nelson’s answer to this last question conveniently omitted what his real legislative accomplishments are-
A) Why did you support and promote President Obama’s failed Stimulus Act of 2009?
Likely answer: I was baptized with the President’s watermelon flavored Kool-Aid and assumed that his policies would go unopposed, because c’mon, this is the ‘anointed one’ for goodness sakes.
B) Do you really support the Keystone XL pipeline?
Likely answer: Well, that depends on what the polls say about my pal Barack’s chances of winning- is he up or down this week?
C) You were one of the President’s biggest supports of his ‘Obamacare’ law. The Supreme Court says it’s a tax, and you promised Floridians that would oppose any future tax hikes?Likely answer: As President Obama famously stated, “I was bamboozled.” But it is the law, and you know I am a law abiding former astronaut, so I have to go along. That reminds me, I have to order some more of the ‘Obama flavored Tang’ for my breakfast.
Here is Senator Nelson’s ‘Hey bill‘ Q&A-
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