Congressman Allen West sat down with the Shark Tank after introducing Congressman Miller (R) to the ‘Hiring our Heroes’ jobs fair attendees in West Palm Beach.
West was not yet aware of the new “Obama and Stripes” flag that was featured for sale on Obama’s campaign website, but he did comment on president’s decision to design a campaign flag with his campaign logo emblazoned over the blue field of an American flag as being ‘disrespectful’ and being the “height of arrogance.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
We then asked West about the chatter that has been circulating regarding the possibility that the Obama administration is quietly negotiation the release of convicted terrorist Omar Abdel Rahman, otherwise known as the “Blind Sheikh”, back to the Egyptian government
West also opined about the “policy of appeasement” that President Obama is intent on pursuing around world and said that “we are showing weakness, and weakness is provocative,” a policy which has resulted in the needless deaths of American citizens both home and abroad.“He has been sentence to prison for the rest of his life, there he shall stay, and there he shall die.- Congressman Allen West
When will the American people, when will the world see a United States of America that stands up, and not seeking to be liked but be respected, and part of being respected maybe feared. – Congressman Allen West
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