By Javier Manjarres

West countered these maneuvers with a little political “shock and awe” of his own by airing several blistering anti-Murphy campaign attack ads.
“This a person who doesn’t want to be in front of the public, he has no ideas, he does not address any of the issues, he is the emptiest of an empty suit-I think he’s just a name on the ballot.”-Congressman Allen West
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Murphy has already dodged several debates and is trying to ‘manage’ the upcoming debate hosted by a local NBC affiliate in order to best suit his strengths and avoid what could result in a major embarrassment for his campaign. Murphy has also refused to debate West in an open town hall debate format. For those of you not paying close attention to this race, it was West who initially proposed four debates with Murphy. Usually it is the challenger that requests debates, not the member of Congress or incumbent in the race.
We asked West about Murphy’s recent statement where he refers to the congressman as “the one.” West responded in the typical Allen West manner-
“In case anyone has any confusion, I’m running against a guy name Allen West. This is the one that thinks there’s 78 to 81 communists in Congress, the one that called his fellow member, his actual congressperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz ‘vile,’ ‘despicable’ and not a lady. He also thinks that President Obama is the dumbest person walking in America.” –Patrick Murphy (Source)
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Related: Allen West Reacts to Obama Flag and “Policy of Appeasement”
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