by Javier Manjarres
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been having a rough go of it in the media of late. After getting caught red handed in a fib about Israeli ambassador Michael Oren and spinning like a top throughout the week of the DNC Convention, Debbie continues to soldier on in defense of the indefensible as the chief surrogate of President Obama’s re-election campaign.Probably the last place that someone would be wise to stand is between Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a podium with a congressional seal on it. However, as you will see below, this particular congressional seal simply couldn’t tolerate any more of Debbie’s political spin. Watch the video.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
[vsw id=”9Nl9J8nufys” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
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