by Loan Shark
Man alive, this spectacle in Charlotte on Day 2 of the DNC convention is bringing tears to my eyes. It’s always somewhat amusing to watch your political adversaries make such fools of themselves in front of a national audience- much like they did during the Paul Wellstone funeral. And this evening, even the Democrats’ usual allies in the media can’t help but call BS on their wild assertions and tortured rationalizations.Check out DNC Chair/Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz go from full spin to ludicrous spin mode as she papers over the “technical oversight” of both God and Jerusalem in the DNC Platform.
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And then watch CNN’s panel, led by Anderson Cooper, take DWS out to the shed. Although I’ve gotta call BS on David Gergen for claiming that the crowd was booing “the process, not the substance” – ummm, not quite, David- at least half the crowd didn’t care for the inclusion of God and Jerusalem into the platform, not the fact that they were suspending the rules and amending the platform’s language via voice vote.
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