by Old School Shark
First, let me congratulate Mitt Romney for recognizing two Floridians and placing them on his Black Leadership Council. Allen West and Jennifer Carroll constitute two-thirds of his National Council Chairs and I’m hoping they will be creatively employed as we count down to election day.With Democrats currently doing what they do best- speechifying in the name of ever more spending (because money grows on trees, don’tcha know?), now is an appropriate time to announce this council and turn them loose.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
I know the campaign doesn’t want the Council to become a distraction, and I am certainly in agreement with that sentiment, but I sure would love to see Allen West selectively turned loose on some of the nonsense coming out of the convention in Charlotte.
Especially the craziness they are hiding from the general public.
That said, welcome to everyone on the Black Leadership Council. We, as the Party of Lincoln, don’t need to pander to African Americans and I’m truly doubtful we need to make special efforts to hold the hands of Black America. I do believe we need to make the point to African Americans that the party is ready to greet you — like all other Americans — with a principled handshake or a hug.In the next week or two, I’ll have more on this important subject. Until then, I’m hoping someone close to Allen West will work with him and sharpen up a version of Clint Eastwood’s empty chair/empty suit routine on Barack Obama. For a Black American who happens to be a Republican, to take down Barack Obama in that manner will truly make the Democrats lose their minds!