During an interview with Current TV’s Eliott Spitzer, the two men discussed how Florida Governor Rick Scott and other Republican governors were not “cooperating” with the the federal mandates contained within ObamaCare that will force Americans to buy health insurance- the notorious individual health insurance mandate.
In typical Grayson fashion, the former congressman let this one fly-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.A lot of those people would be getting the care the need, if it wasn’t for people like Rick Scott would simple cooperate and stop trying to pick fights with Barack Obama at eh expense of the people of Florida…There is literally thousands of people who will live if Medicaid is expanded in Florida, and die if it isn’t, and their blood will be on Rick Scott’s hands. – Former Congressman Alan Grayson
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