by Javier Manjarres
Former Bush spokesman and current political pundit Ari Fleischer was confronted by an over zealous ‘left-leaning’ reporter from The at the 2012 Republican National convention. The reporter asked him to explain Obama’s “We built it” statement that she felt was taken out of context to hurt President Obama. The reporter talked over and relentlessly interrupted Fleischer as he tried to answer her question.Fleischer then went on to rip on President Obama and his negative campaigning, saying that the President wouldn’t “even criticize the ad that accused Mitt Romney of murder.” Fleischer added that the Ad was “the lowest low I’ve ever seen in politics.”
If you liked the article, please share it.The Barack Obama of 2008 was an imagination and a myth. There’s nothing left that is hope oriented about him. The only thing left that is change oriented about Barack Obama, is what is going to happen to him on election night.-Ari Fleischer
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