By Javier Manjarres
Congressman Connie Mack’s latest campaign video takes Democrat Senator Bill Nelson to task for his recent attack ad against him which belittled Mack’s past employment while skirting the issues. Mack comes across confidently in the video as he reminds Nelson about “what really matters,” that being Nelson’s voting record and how it’s contributed to the terrible economic climate that affects millions of Americans who are suffering under record unemployment.The Nelson ad that Mack is responding to is reminiscent of one that was previously run by one of Mack’s former primary opponents, former Senator George LeMieux. Lemieux’s attack ad against Mack cited all of his past indiscretions including his employment at a company that did promotions for the Hooters restaurant, a past bar fight and arrest, and financial issues that stemmed from an ugly divorce.
It’s predictable that Nelson would much rather discuss Mack’s past rather than his own record and accomplishments. Recent polls show a tight race, but given that Nelson has consistently polled under 50% in all of these polls, he’s got an uphill struggle ahead if he’s going to retain his senate seat.
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Senator Nelson consistently backed President Obama radical agenda at ever turn, most notably his votes in favor of Obamacare and the failed Stimulus Act in 2009. Mack concludes the ad by telling Senator Bill Nelson,” Let’s get serious.”
If you liked the article, please share it below.Bill Nelson cast the deciding vote for Obamcare and voted to raise our taxes 150 times. I voted against Obamcare and to cut taxes. – Congressman Connie Mack
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